Sunday, August 9, 2009

Awh Saturdays.........

Awh Saturdays, gotta love them.
Time off from work to rest and relax.........


Got the weedeater and did all the trimming around fences, buildings, hitching posts; this was after spending 4 hours mowing the grass (including paddocks); which was after spendng 70 big ones buying fuel so those big fancy mowing machines will work.

Then the Barngoddess reminds me that we are to pick up some more alfalfa square bales at 5:30.........
So to the field we go, little 12 mile jaunt, get 150 bales in the bed of the Little Mule and on the trailer....

Then about 10 of the bales fall off the front of the trailer, so one of the guys and I load them back on and put 8 more on the truck. Not a problem for a 59 year old guy, standing on 5 rows of bales stacked in the back of the little mule..... only about 10 feet in the air.

It was getting off that I lost my footing and down I came..... landed on my butt and back. scared the pee wads out of the Barngoddess.... but I landed on my butt and therefore I am not hurt too bad....

Got home and with the Daughters assistance, we unloaded and stacked those 150 bales in the hay barn (yeah Long Roof, the hay goes in the hay barn), finally got done at dark and boy was I sore.

Throughout the night, the aches and pains kept waking me up........ I sure am sore this morning. So the hot tub got a work out...

And that's what I did on Saturday. rested...... yeah sure.........

Today it is off to Jay Okla to look at a truck to pull out mobile house with.

So later all

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