Monday, September 29, 2008


The best thing about living in a small town is the annual fall festival that brings the town together. The community spirit at the festival is an enjoyment to see and be part of. I joined the community Apple fest committee this last spring and have enjoyed every minute of it. This weekend we enjoyed the 20Th annual Apple fest. We all had a great time and enjoyed visiting with friends and family.

Horsefarmer and Barngoddess entered two of their horses pulling the miniature Springfield wagon in the parade. Two of our young friends, Fred and George, sat in the drivers seat and threw out candy. Actually I think they spent more time eating the candy then they did throwing it. However their aim was true, hitting Barngoddess and Horsefarmer in the back, to the delight and humor of the crowd. They won First place in the wagon team division of the parade. Great Job boys!!!

I am sure there will be more pictures to follow, but wanted to surprise Horsefarmer with this one ;)

I had the privilege of walking with the Mighty Mite cheerleaders, of which I am assistant coach, in the parade. The girls yelled their heads off. We then had the honor of performing on the stage in front of the whole town. The girls were amazing.

We all had a great time and enjoyed the days spent working towards the festival, but the festival itself was pretty cool.

Love ya'll



d5thouta5 said...

Angel.....GREAT JOB with the task you have undertaken....excellent story line and fantastic writing...
kind of makes the Ozarks sound like a great place to live....of course then you have the simple little thing called winter..... the cold.....thru the parkas fold it stabbed like a driven nail... images so vivid that you can't help but be touched by them..... oh by the way, turn the lights on so the horsefarmer can read this....and yes, imagine what you will if this venue had been as readily available 10 years ago as it is today....the stories that could have been told by Bear.....
well it's off to help support my maternal grandfather's favorite company while enjoying the football game......

Celebrate Life.....

Sara said...

I wish Pete had a forelock like those two do! Pretty!