So how is life, on this farm it can be summed up in a couple words "An Adventure".
So Easter dawned and we went to Shell Knob to spend some time with the Garrisons. Went to Church and then to their house for a perfect luncheon. Barngoddess even made deviled eggs....
Worked on Charlies truck getting it running again. and we headed home about 2:30 pm to give it a go again with "5 in the morning".
Poor little critter is suffering but maintianing her appetite. Her pastern joint (ankle joint in humans) has been rubbed raw from the splints and walking on her knees that first few hours after birth.
For the squemish, don't look now
But she is doing better. Running a fever, but treating with PenGProcaine.
Back to the vet tomorrow to check again.
So how was your Saturday spent? it is quite obvious that the daughter and granddaughter spent the afternoon laying around with 5 in the Morning, soaking up the sun....
pictures don't lie, but then pics only catch a few seconds and they really only spent about an hour laying in the sun...
Of course with any sick animal we always give our best in the treatment sector, even having 5 in the Morning on the Barngoddess1's dining room table for treatment.
So after washing the little critters legs and wounds at the kitchen sink (that's why we have such a large counter next to the sink) and then clipping all the hair from her legs (handled it well), we bandaged and splinted and turned her back into the stall with Oreo. First thing to do is shuttle over to Oreo for a nursing.
So that's kind of how our weekend went. Did take off Saturday and Barngoddess and I bought rubber stall mats for Oreo's stall. And after leveling and packing a base, we placed the pads in the stall. Makes it 100% easier for 5 in the Morning to get around, nice solid even surface, with a little shavings and hay on the floor.
And of course the Barngoddess1 and the Little Princess are our Noble Assistants and keep us supplied in whatever we need or want. Barngoddess1 is making a harness type apparatus that will hold the little critters legs in the correct position once we get the wounds on the mend.
But knowing what to do.... and knowing how to do it... and knowing who to call for assistance....
Well that just lets us
Celebrate Life with God's little creatures.
Although I did shoot the Opossum that was in the stable the other night....
so you too
Celebrate Life
I admire you guys for your tender hearts and hard work.
life on the farm is an excellent way to CELEBRATE LIFE......
nursing a new-born can be the most rewarding experience...especially on this weekend....
a weekend of renewed life...
good luck with the foal and God's speed to it's recovery.....
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