Sunday, March 28, 2010


Haven Lee Farm is proud to announce the birth of a solid black filly, born at 5 am on 27 March 2010. The daughter of Oreo and a stud from the neighbors farm, the little black thing is about 18 inches tall and weighs in at 30 pounds.
Here are a couple pics for your viewing pleasure.

Her hind legs are bent back due to positioning in the womb, but we will be working on correcting that today.

So enjoy with us and

Celebrate Life


d5thouta5 said...

congrats to the Farm for the newest addition....guess all that rain and nasty weather was your sign....

Busplunge said...

How did you know to be in the barn at 5 am?

Horse-farmer said...

Barngoddess kicked me out of bed every hour on the hour to go check,
ergo I was in the barn at 5 am right after she was born....